CASA — A Constructionist Approach to Syntactic Analysis

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Resultative Construction (Attr: to-INF)

Name Resultative Construction (Attr: to-INF)
Semantic function of cxn An ÆFFECTOR causes a change (or no change) of state in an ÆFFECTED with a certain RESULT.
Slots Slot 1: argument Slot 2: predicate Slot 3: argument Slot 4: argument
Semantic role of slots ÆFFECTOR ÆFFECTED RESULT

Syntactic function  

potential subject unit in predicate unit in predicate
Syntactic form NP V NP to-INF
Example They appointed her to run the campaign.
appoint  bind  clear  commit  dare  declare  design  employ  find  hire  invest  leave  make  pay  plan  send  shape  sign  suffer  trust  use  
Sources for collo-profile Valency Dictionary of English, Patternbank
Cxn with same formal pattern Attribute Construction (Attr: to-INF) (She pronounced him to be the winner.)
Ditransitive Construction (Obj: to-INF) (She asked him to come to the meeting.)
General cxn-type Active-3-Argument-Structure Construction
Construction family Attribute Constructions
Literature Goldberg & Jackendoff 2004
Annotators/Date TRH/03/21