CASA — A Constructionist Approach to Syntactic Analysis

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TO-Recipient-ABOUT-Topic Construction

Name TO-Recipient-ABOUT-Topic Construction
Semantic function of cxn An ÆFFECTOR communicates in a certain way with a RECIPIENT about a certain matter or TOPIC.
Slots Slot 1: argument Slot 2: predicate Slot 3: argument Slot 4: argument
Semantic role of slots ÆFFECTOR RECIPIENT TOPIC

Syntactic function  

potential subject unit in predicate unit in predicate
Syntactic form NP V PPto PPabout
Example She lied to him about the exam.
chat  complain  lie  protest  sing  speak  talk  write  
Sources for collo-profile Valency Dictionary of English, Patternbank
Annotators/Date TRH/03/21F